A woman's heart should be so LOST in GOD that a MAN needs to seek HIM in order to find HER..^^,
Saturday, October 31
A M0ment t0 RemEmBER...
Sweet, happy, sad, funny or horrible moments.. all are unforgettable..
As long as our eyes open & we continue to live in this world.
All those memories are still clinging to us. Living within inside our heart without we even knowing about it.
sometimes, life can be unfair. Everything that happen in our life doesn't follow our plans. It is unpredictable.
Be ready anytime & anywhere because something might happen!!
Just do what we can do today or say what we can say right now.
Don't wait until tomorrow.. Don't wait until the last minute.
When you still have a chance, just go on. Don't worry about others.
Who cares about that? Its your own life. Your own responsibility.
Never forget all the moments in your life. It's part of you.
Don't you ever wish you can forget about all those memories.
If it happens to you, you will regret it.
For the rest of your life!!
Because one day, you will realise how lucky you are..
It is the greatest experience & knowledge in your life.
You wouldn't be able to get it form others or from books.
Try to remember...Its part of you.....
Thursday, October 29
10 Sex Myths
It's amazing that, even with the wealth of sex education available from magazines, television, health leaflets and the Web, this is still a common occurrence. Many of us think because we already know the person, that they're safe. It's a 'better the devil you know' attitude to sex. But just because you're mates with the person you fancy, and they look clean and smell nice, it doesn't mean that they're not carrying a host of nasty little viruses in their pants. Just remember - you can't tell a person's sexual history by just looking at them. It may be tedious, but unless your partner's had a recent full sexual health screening then stay safe, and use a condom.
2. I'm a girl and I get turned on fantasising about having sex with another girl. Is this normal?
Having a homosexual fantasy, whatever your age or sex, is 100 per cent normal. In fact, it would be more alarming if people were standing up in their droves saying that they'd never had a same sex fantasy. Many people worry - especially teenagers, that their fantasies about same sex scenarios somehow prove they're gay. But let's get one thing straight - discovering your sexual orientation and merely fantasising about another female are completely different things (although neither feelings should be ignored). If you think you are gay, then these same sex fantasies may lead you on an interesting journey of self-discovery. But if you know you're straight and this is just a dirty daydream that turns you on, then take it at face value. Never, ever feel guilty about your dreams. They're not hurting anyone - so go on, relax, close your eyes, and enjoy.
3. If you don't orgasm you haven't had good sex. Let's get the facts straight: physically, men are designed to ejaculate during sex, and once they get going, bar any problems, there's no stopping them. There is range of problems - he might simply lose an erection (which is not unusual). And prescription medicines such as anti-depressants or recreational drugs, including ecstasy, can also make orgasms a thing of the past. Now, lets come to the girls. Physiologically, women do not have to orgasm - it's not necessary for the reproductive process, they're purely for pleasure. And sorry guys, but we can also have two types of orgasm - clitoral and vaginal. Most women can only achieve a clitoral orgasm - some may go through life never experiencing a vaginal orgasm. If you do have problems reaching orgasm contact the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy. Remember, the bottom line is - you don't have to have an earth-shaking climax to enjoy good sex. 4. If he pulls out I won't get pregnant. 6. Sex in the bath - do you really get stuck? 7. Too big or too small - the size of a man's penis doesn't matter. At the beginning of any relationship you and your chap are banging away hammer and tong all hours of the day and night. But it's only natural that, after a few months, the frequency of your sex life will diminish a little. And when it does, there's no need to feel paranoid. Remember, just because he's not shaking his willy at you every minute of the day, it doesn't mean he doesn't fancy you anymore. He's probably just tired or has something, other than sex, on his mind. 9. Erections need dealing with otherwise it's bad for him. 10. Masturbating every day is a sign of sex addiction.
This is the kind of nonsense that 15-year-old boys make up as they furiously flick through Penthouse, and what makes it worse is that people actually believe this myth. Good sex can take many different forms. It can be kissing, touching, stroking, talking - it doesn't have to involve penetration and it doesn't have to end in a sloppy damp patch on one side of the bed. The sad reality is that sex is often ruined due to the pressure to orgasm.
This belief is dangerous and sadly leads to thousands of unwanted pregnancies every year. The withdrawal method is the most risky form of contraception and particularly silly when there are so many safe and effective methods to choose between. These include: sterilisation; hormonal contraception (the combined and mini Pill and implants); IUD; diaphragm; condoms and spermicides. Except for sterilisation none of these methods are 100 per cent effective, but it?s better to be safe than sorry. We all forget that sperm are persistent little blighters. Did you know that if the guy pulls out and sperm is left on your upper thighs then it's still possible for you to get pregnant? They just wriggle on up there and go for their target. Remember too, that you should always be practising safe sex to protect yourself from infection. If in any doubt, always use a condom.
No, there's nothing wrong at all. Remember, like noses, ears, boobs or bums, vaginas come in all different shapes and sizes. It's what makes us individual. There's no 'perfect' way for your vagina to look, and the trick is to feel comfortable with what you've got. Your labia are there for a reason - to protect your clitoris and the rest of your genitalia. So in some ways you could count yourself lucky that you've got all the protection you could ever want. Take some time to get to know your body, and learn to love what you've been given.
For centuries, couples have been bonking away merrily in the bath, and rarely have they ever got stuck. In fact, the only problem I can imagine is if you're both too big the bath. This could create a nasty little vacuum and may require the fire department to come and rescue you. If you mean do your genitals get stuck, then I'm sorry to disappoint you, but no - in fact it can make sex all the more slippery and fun.
Well that's true in part isn't it? How many times have you heard the old saying, 'It's not the size, it's what you do with it that counts?' People are different - Bob may have an eight-inch penis, Billy only four. But that doesn't mean Billy is inadequate. Far from it - he may have a sexual technique that could make women gasp the world over. It's definitely what they do with their penis that matters. Remember too, that even if a man has a tiddler when flaccid, it could take your eye out when erect. In any case, many women find sex with a large penis quite painful, as it can knock against their cervix (the top of the vagina) - and this can cause bleeding. So guys, if you're hung like Dirk Diggler, please treat your lady's privates with a little respect.
It may seem like men are always ready for sex, but thankfully this isn't the case. Men are governed by the male sex hormone testosterone and it's the amount of this hormone that determines their sex drive. In theory, men are more sexually driven than women, and that's due to the difference in our hormones. In practice, of course, we all know that sex is as much in the mind as it is in the pants, so it's a good idea to check whether a man's really in the mood before jumping on him.
It's true that most of the time erections are caused by sexual arousal. But, not always. A man can have several spontaneous erections during the night, especially during REM sleep. And we all know about 'morning glory' - the erection a man has when waking up. If it were actually bad for men to not relieve an erection, we'd have a national crisis on our hands. It's not dire to leave an erection, just undesirable. And most men take themselves in hand before it gets that far.
Given that over 90 per cent of men and 75 per cent of women masturbate, we'd be in a lot of trouble if this were a sign of sex addiction. To masturbate every day is excessive, but it's more a sign of frustration than addiction. People have different sex drives, and some people may need to relieve themselves everyday, although it's unlikely they would sustain that for any length of time. Teenagers tend to masturbate three to four times a week, whereas adults only manage a bit of self-loving once or twice a week.
D0wn in the Valley
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow
Hear the wind blow, dear, hear the wind blow
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.
Roses love sunshine, violets love dew
Angels in heaven know I love you
Know I love you, dear, know I love you
Angels in heaven, know I love you.
Writing this letter, containing three lines
Answer my question, "Will you be mine?"
"Will you be mine, dear, will you be mine?"
Answer my question, "Will you be mine?"
Down in the valley, valley so low
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow
Hear the wind blow, dear, hear the wind blow
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.
Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.
Scout Version:
Down in the valley, the valley so lowHang your head over, hear the winds blow
Hear the winds blow, dear, hear the winds blow
Hang your head over, hear the winds blow
Down in the valley, walking between
Telling our story, here's what it means
Here's what it means, dear, here's what it means
Telling our story, here's what it means
Roses love sunshine, violets love dew
Angels in heaven know I love you
Know I love you, dear, know I love you
Angels in heaven know I love you
Build me a castle forty feet high
So I can see him as he rides by
As he rides by, dear, as he rides by
So I can see him as he rides by
Writing this letter, containing three lines
Answer my question, "Will you be mine?"
"Will you be mine, dear, will you be mine"
Answer my question, "Will you be mine?"
If you don't love me, love whom you please
Throw your arms round me, give my heart ease
Give my heart ease, dear, give my heart ease
Throw your arms round me, give my heart ease
Throw your arms round me, before it's too late
Throw your arms round me, feel my heart break
Feel my heart break, dear, feel my heart break
Throw your arms round me, feel my heart break
This means considering some very important factors — both physical ones, like the possibility of becoming pregnant or getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) — and emotional factors, too. Though a person's body may feel ready for sex, sex also has very serious emotional consequences. For many teens, moral factors are very important as well. Family attitudes, personal values, or religious beliefs provide them with an inner voice that guides them in resisting pressures to get sexually involved before the time is right.
Peer Pressure Problems and Movie Madness
Nobody wants to feel left out of things — it's natural to want to be liked and feel as if you're part of a group of friends. Unfortunately, some teens feel that they have to lose their virginity to keep up with their friends or to be accepted.It doesn't sound like it's all that complicated; maybe most of your friends have already had sex with their boyfriends or girlfriends and act like it isn't a big deal. But sex isn't something that's only physical; it's emotional, too. And because everyone's emotions are different, it's hard to rely on your friends' opinions to decide if it's the right time for you to have sex.
What matters to you is the most important thing, and your values may not match those of your friends. That's OK — it's what makes people unique. Having sex to impress someone or to make your friends happy or feel like you have something in common with them won't make you feel very good about yourself in the long run. True friends don't really care whether a person is a virgin — they will respect your decisions, no matter what. Even if your friends are cool with your decision, it's easy to be misled by TV shows and movies into thinking that every teen in America is having sex. Writers and producers may make a show or movie plot exciting by showing teens being sexually active, but these teens are actors, not real people with real concerns.
They don't have to worry about being ready for sex, how they will feel later on, or what might happen as a result. In other words, these TV and movie plots are stories, not real life. In real life, every teen can, and should, make his or her own decision.
Depression is very common and affects as many as 1 in 8 people in their teen years. Depression affects people of every color, race, economic status, or age; however, it does seem to affect more girls than guys.
How Do People Respond to Someone Who's Depressed?
Sometimes friends or family members recognize that someone is depressed. They may respond with love, kindness, or support, hoping that the sadness will soon pass. They may offer to listen if the person wants to talk. If the depressed feeling doesn't pass with a little time, friends or loved ones may encourage the person to get help from a doctor, therapist, or counselor.
But not everyone recognizes depression when it happens to someone they know.
Some people don't really understand about depression. For example, they may react to a depressed person's low energy with criticism, yelling at the person for acting lazy or not trying harder. Some people mistakenly believe that depression is just an attitude or a mood that a person can shake off. It's not that easy.
Sometimes even people who are depressed don't take their condition seriously enough. Some people feel that they are weak in some way because they are depressed. This is wrong — and it can even be harmful if it causes people to hide their depression and avoid getting help.
Occasionally, when depression causes physical symptoms (things like headaches or other stress-related problems), a person may see a doctor. Once in a while, even a well-meaning doctor may not realize a person is depressed, and just treat the physical symptoms.
Avoid from feeling too worry about something. Try to be optimistic.
Monday, October 26
something happened 4 the 1st time.
deep inside it was a rush. what a rush.
would u ever feel the same way like i do?
why do i keep running away from the truth?
all i ever think is about u.
u got me hypnotized. so mesmerized.
and i just got 2 know.
do u ever think when u r all alone?
all that we can be, where this thing can go?
am i crazy or falling in luv?
or is it really just another crush?
do u catch a breath when i look at u?
r u holding back like the way i do?
coz i've tried to go away but this crush wouldn't going away.
have it ever crossed ur mind when we hanging, spending time together, or just talking on the phone?
r we just fren?
is there more? is there more?
Wednesday, October 21
14 Ways t0 Live a happy Life..
1. Notice What’s Right
Some of us see the glass as being half-full, while others see the glass as half-empty. The next time you are caught in traffic, begin thinking how nice it is to have a few moments to reflect on the day, focus on a problem you have been trying to solve, or brainstorm on your next big idea. The next time you get in the slow line at the grocery store, take the opportunity to pick up a tabloid magazine and do some “guilty pleasure” reading. Take all that life throws out you and re - frame it with what’s right about the situation. At the end of the day, you will more content, at peace and happy. Take the time to begin to notice what’s right and see the world change in front of your eyes.
2. Be Grateful
How many times do you say the words “thank you,” in a day? How many times do you hear these same words? If you are doing the first thing, saying the “thank yous,” the latter will naturally happen. Learn to be grateful and you will be open to receive an abundance of joy and happiness.
3. Remember the Kid You Were
Do you remember how to play? I’m not referring to playing a round of golf or a set of tennis. I’m talking about playing like you did when you were a child – a game of tag; leap frog, or street baseball when the bat is a broken broom handle and the bases are the parked cars. One way to find or maintain your happiness is to remember the kid you were and play!
4. Be Kind
There is no question that by merely watching acts of kindness creates a significant elevation in our moods and increases the desire for us to perform good deeds as well. Kindness is indeed contagious and when we make a commitment to be kind to ourselves and to others we can experience new heights of joy, happiness and enthusiasm for our lives.
5. Spend Time with Your Friends
Although an abundant social and romantic life does not itself guarantee joy, it does have a huge impact on our happiness. Learn to spend time with your friends and make the friendships a priority in your life.
6. Savor Every Moment
To be in the moment is to live in the moment. Too often we are thinking ahead or looking ahead to the next event or circumstance in our lives, not appreciating the “here and now.” When we savor every moment, we are savoring the happiness in our lives.
7. Rest
There are times when we need the time to unwind, decompress, or to put it simply, just “to chill.” Life comes at all of us hard and fast. Time, as do the days on the calendar, keeps going forward at its own natural pace, which is not always the pace we would choose. Fatigue, stress and exhaustion may begin to settle in on us faster than we may think, or notice. The best remedy for this is indeed rest.
8. Move!
The expression a “runner’s high” does not infer an addiction, but a feeling or a state of mind – a state of euphoria. There is no question exercise, or any physical exertion, elevates your mood and enhances a more positive attitude as well as fosters better personal self-esteem and confidence. Indeed, one way to increase your happiness is to move!
9. Put on a Happy Face
Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it. I’m not suggesting that we not be honest, real or authentic, but I’m suggesting, sometimes, we just need to put on a happy face and keep moving forward. Researchers claim that smiling and looking like we are happy will indeed make us happier. Studies further show that if we act like we are happy then we can experience greater joy and happiness in our lives.
10. Pursue Your Goals
The absence of goals in our lives, or more specifically avoiding to pursue our goals, makes us feel like we are stuck and ineffective. The pursuit of goals in our personal lives, in our relationships, or with our careers, is the difference between having a mediocre life or a life full of passion and enthusiasm. pursue your goals and watch your happiness soar.
11. Finding Your Calling
Some find meaning in religion or spirituality while others find purpose in their work or relationships. Finding your calling may be much more than accomplishing one simple strategy for increasing your happiness, but having a sense of purpose – of feeling like you are here for a reason – can perhaps bring the greatest joy of all
12. Get into the Flow
Flow is the form of joy, excitement and happiness that occurs when we are so absorbed in an activity we love that we can loose ourselves and time seems to stand still. What creates flow is unique to each one of us. To find and sustain true happiness in our lives, we must get off the sidelines and get into the flow.
13. Play to Your Strengths
One way to achieve flow is by understanding and identifying our strengths and core values, and then begin to use these every day. Once we aware of our strengths and we begin to play to your strengths we can better incorporate them in all aspects of our lives.
14. Don’t Overdo It
Know when to say when. What gives you joy and happiness the first time may not work the second time. Too much of a good thing may begin not to feel as good if the “thing” becomes more of a routine, or an expectation. Set healthy and reasonable boundaries for yourself and don’t overdo it.
I'm yours...
Well you done, done me and you bet I felt it. I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted. I fell right through the cracks and now I’m trying to get back. Before the cool done run out I’ll be giving it my bestest. Nothing’s going to stop me but divine intervention. I reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some. I won’t hesitate no more, no more. It cannot wait, I’m yours. Well open up your mind and see like me. Open up your plans and damn you’re free. Look into your heart and you’ll find love love, love. Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me. Ah, la peaceful melodies. It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved, love, loved, love, love. So, I won’t hesitate no more, no more. It cannot wait I’m sure. There’s no need to complicate. Our time is short. This is our fate, I’m yours. I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror and bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer. But, my breath fogged up the glass and so I drew a new face and laughed. I guess what I’m saying is there ain’t no better reason. To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons. It’s what we aim to do. Our name is our virtue....
First L0ve..
Tabako no flavor ga shita
Nigakute setsunai kaori
Ashita no imagoro niwa
Anata wa doki ni irun darou
Dare wo omotterun darou
You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love
Atarashii uta utaeru made
Tachidomaru jikan ga
Ugokidasou to shiteru
Wasuretakunai koto bakari
Ashita no imagoro niwa
Watashi wa kitto naiteru
Anata wo omotterun darou
You will always be inside my heart
Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love
Atarashii uta utaeru made
You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Mada kanashii love song
U belong wif me...
If you could see that i'm the one who understands you. Been here all along. So, why can't you see you belong with me. You belong with me. Walking the streets with you and your worn out jeans. I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be. Laughing on a park bench. Thinking to myself. Hey, isn't this easy? And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town. I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down.
You say you're fine but I know you better than that. Hey, what are you doing with a girl like that. Standing by and waiting at your backdoor all this time. How could you not know
baby you belong with me.
Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night. I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry and I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams. Think I know where you belong. Think I know it's with me.
Have you ever thought just maybe you belong with me?
Tuesday, October 20
Datai baru ngagai balai polis one stop centre. Ngecop surat repot. Dahnya, ngagai JPN. Bendar ngiga JPN. Dah datai, lalu ngambi nombor giliran. Duduk besengah, matak seput kami duai Yhan. Kerebak ke Lumpit, peda enda chukup ga duit kena mayar ukum. Nyau gak belanda ngiga mesin atm endur ngambi duit baru. Tesat kami duai. Semadi nanya baru tetemu k mesin atm. Laban t kelalu berumban ngambi duit, ku salah pilih bahasa k dikena. Nyau ngena bahasa Cina. Nyangka laban kelalu berumban meh nya, nemu ga berurusan ngena bahasa mandarin. Lucu eh... Datai ba JPN, dah ngelebus ga gilir tua ya. Ngambi baru ga lumur. dahnya, datai ba gilir ku. ngisi pom dulu ngambi k kurang agi bebayar. Bayar setengah rega aja; rm60. Maya ke ngaga IC baru, ku enda berati ke agama ku. Semadi dalam Kerita, Yhan tepeda ka agama ku Buddha. Apu....... Nganti IC baru ku datai ila, baru ku nganti ya. Kapa nya. Nyau enggai kiruh agi ku. Semester tu mayuh mai penanggul. Bisi aja penusah nuntung. Engka munyi ko ya meh, ukai taun tua ya tu; taun baru engka manah agi ari taun tu. Kelalu mayuh utai nyadi taun tu, kelebih agi semester tu. Semina Tuhan aja nemu. Pengasih & penyayau Ya semampai meruan enggau ku. Ku nemu Ya semampai nulung ku. Taja pen ati tusah, ku berasai untung laban mayuh bala kaban, bala pangan t semampai d tisi nyukung ku belama....
Sunday, September 27
sebana ati anak mensia..
Thursday, September 24
orang yang mencintaimu...
2.menerima kamu apa adanya,
3.pentingkan kebahagiaanmu,
4.tidak akan menipumu,
5.berusaha menggembirakanmu,
6.berterus terang dalam setiap perkara,
7.bertindak lebih seperti saudara daripada kekasih,
8.tidak pernah memaksamu,
9.selalu mendoakan dirimu,
10.tetap mencintaimu selamanya....
Wednesday, September 23
2 istilah keramat..
Menjilatnya pun cuma mimpi.
Tanpa minta maaf, usah dicandu belas hormat seisi bumi di sekelilingmu.
Menghidunya saja sudahlah racun.
Kedua-duanya adalah jampi mantera yang mesti kau tangkalkan selalu, supaya bisa hidupmu tidak dihurung sepi, atau dikata sedungu sapi.
"Berterima kasihlah tika selayaknya, mohon maaflah pada tempatnya."
Father's Luv Letter
with Love,
Your Dad Almighty God
Wednesday, September 16
My w0NderfUL girLz' frenz....

Chie, Wawa, Yhan, Beth, Loui, Dedeq, Ina, Liz, Phit, Jess, Siew Lin, Mith, Fen, Marian, Chanthia.....
gud 2 hav a frenz like u all....
u all r really great..
u all cherish my life..
u all allways there 4 me...
u all teach me the true meaning of friendship..
let us not 4getting our sweet moments together..
may our friendship will never end..
from the beginning, now & the end...
Monday, September 14

Thursday, September 10
“Freedom means to bring love & peace everywhere”
“The Actual freedom is made of noble thoughts of a man”
“Freedom spread its wings where the silence flows”
“There are no bad thoughts, where the freedom dances”
“Those who love freedom they do not invite the war”
“A man who is trapped due to fear, he can never see freedom around”
“Freedom lies in abundance but we cease to get it”
“Freedom is wonderful & beautiful”
“Freedom never puts anybody in chains of blind-faith”
“Don’t blame anybody until you see with your own eyes and believe fully”
Wednesday, September 9
A letter to Bill Gates
We have bought a computer for our home and we have found some problems, which I want to bring to your notice.
1. There is a button 'start' but there is no 'stop' button. We request you to check this.
2. We find there is 'Run' in the menu. One of my friends clicked 'run' he ran up to Amritsar! So, we request you to change that to 'sit', so that we can click that by sitting.
3. One doubt is whether any 're-scooter' is available in system? I find only 're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home.
4. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lost the door key and we tried a lot trace the key with this 'find' button, but was unable to trace. Please rectify this problem.
5. My child learn 'Microsoft word' now he wants to learn 'Microsoft sentence', so when you will provide that?
6. I brought computer, CPU, mouse and keyboard, but there is only one icon which shows 'MY Computer': when you will provide the remaining items?
7. It is surprising that windows says 'MY Pictures' but there is not even a single photo of mine. So when will you keep my photo in that.
8. There is 'MICROSOFT OFFICE' what about 'MICROSOFT HOME' since I use the PC at home only.
9. You provided 'My Recent Documents'. When you will provide 'My Past Documents'?
10. You provide 'My Network Places'. For God sake please do not provide 'My Secret Places'. I do not want to let my wife know where I go after my office hours.
husband a.k.a. Father
Last one from me to Mr Bill Gates :
Sir, how is it that your name is Gates but u are selling WINDOWS?
After marriage....
1. Women are unpredictable. Before marriage, she expects a man, after marriage she suspects him, and after death she respects him.
2.There was this guy who told his woman that he loved her so much that he would go through hell for her. They got married - and now he is going through hell.
3.A man inserted an advertisement in the classifieds : " Wife wanted". Next day, he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing "You can have mine."
4. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife.
5. It's easy to tell if a man is married or not. Just watch him drive a car with a woman sitting beside him. If both his hands are on the wheel, you can be sure he is married.
6. A man received a letter from some kidnappers. The letter said, "If you don't promise to send us $100,000, we promise you we will kidnap your wife." The poor man wrote back, " I am afraid I can't keep my promise but I hope you will keep yours."
7. "What's the matter, you look depressed." "I'm having trouble with my wife." "What happened?" "She said she wasn't going to speak to me for 30 days." But that ought to make you happy." "It did, but today is the last day."
Parental jokes
Man comes home, finds his wife with his friend in bed.
He shoots his friend and kills him.
Wife says "If you behave like this, you will lose ALL your friends."
2. Brother wanted
Small boy wrote to Santa Claus,"send me a brother"....
Santa wrote back, "SEND ME YOUR MOTHER"....
3. Meaning of WIFE
Husband asks, "Do you know the meaning of WIFE? It means 'Without
Information Fighting Everytime'!"
Wife replies, "No, it means 'With Idiot For Ever'!!!"
4. Importance of a period
Teacher: "Do you know the importance of a period?"!
Kid: "Yeah, once my sister said she has missed one, my mom fainted,
dad got a heart attack & our driver ran away."
5. Confident vs. confidential
A young boy asks his Dad, "What is the difference between confident
and confidential?"
Dad says, "You are my son, I'm confident about that. Your friend over
there, is also my son, that's confidential!"
6. Anger management?
Husband: When I get mad at you, you never fight back. How do you
control your anger?
Wife : I clean the toilet.
Husband: How does that help?
Wife : I use your toothbrush.
Her diary vs His diary
Saturday night I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment. Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk, he agreed but kept quiet and absent. I asked him what was wrong - he said, "Nothing." I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry.
On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior; I don't know why he didn't say, "I love you, too." When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there and watched T.V. ; he seemed distant and absent.
Finally I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed and to my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still felt that he was distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else. I decided that I could not take it anymore, so I wanted to confront him with the situation but he had fallen asleep. I started crying and cried until I too fell asleep. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.
MAN UTD. lost 2-0 to Chelsea today, but at least I got laid.
Saat Ku Masuk...
Ku tersungkur dan sembahMu,
Ku persembahkan korban syukurku,
Yang terbaik bagiMu...
Kubawa korban syukur,
Ke tempat kudusMu Tuhan,
Hatiku limpah dengan syukur sebab Tuhan baik....
Saturday, September 5
Season in the Sun
We've known each other since we
Were nine or ten
Together we've climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and abcs
Skinned our hearts and
Skinned our knees
Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing
In the sky
Now that spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I'll be there
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were
Just seasons out of time
Goodbye papa please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song
Wonder how I got along
Goodbye papa it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little children everywhere
When you see them I'll be there
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the songs like the
Seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like
The seasons have all gone
Goodbye michelle my little one
You gave me love and helped
Me find the sun
And every time that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on
The ground
Goodbye michelle it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in
The sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed were
Just seasons out of time
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone
We had joy we had fun we had
Seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song like the
Seasons have all gone
8 sebab laki patut dapat penampar pompuan...
tak boleh silap sikit, marah tak bertempat, suka cari pasal, suka marah2, tunjuk hebat, mulut tak ada insuran, suka menyumpah seranah
kaki pukul, perasan kuat
tak pernah jujur, hipokrit, berpura-pura
mata keranjang, tangan garfu, pantang nampak pompuan
tak ada keyakinan, tak pandai buat keputusan, pak turut
keterlaluan dalam semua perkara, suka tarik perhatian orang
tak hargai ciptaan Tuhan, pandai2 nak ubah pa yang ada, perangai mengalahkan pompuan, gedik, mengurangkan populasi jantan
~kecut perut, tak boleh diharap langsung
Susahnya lelaki ni.....
2. jika kamu berpakaian cantik, dia fikir kamu nak goda laki lain. jika tidak, dia kata kolot.
3. jika kamu berdebat dengannya, dia fikir keras kepala. jika tidak, dia kata rendah IQ.
4. jika kamu bijak darinya, dia rasa tercabar. jika tidak, dia kata dia hebat.
5. jika kamu bagitau masalahmu, dia kata menyusahkan. jika tidak, dia kata tidak perlukannya.
6. jika kamu cerewet, dia kata merimaskan. jika dia cerewet, dia kata ambil berat.
7. jika kamu menyakitinya, kamu kejam. jika dia menyakitimu, itu sebab kamu sensitif.
8. jika kamu bohong, kamu tidak boleh dipercayai. jika dia berbohong, itu sebab dia terpaksa.
9. jika kamu cintanya, dia berusaha meninggalkanmu. jika tidak, dia berusaha mendapatkanmu.
10. jika kamu kirimkan ini kepada lelaki, mereka pasti bersumpah bahawa semua ini tidak
buat renungan kaum hawa....
Sunday, August 30
the spice of life..
Monday, August 17
GoD CrEAted EarTH,
GoD cReatEd LighTnEss,
GoD CrEAted DArkNess.
GoD MADe LioNs,
God MADe IrOns,
God HAd No MiSTAkeS.
GoD IS miRacLe,
God MaDE ObStaCLe,
God CrEATed Adam,
God CreaTed Eve.
GoD GAve Us Heart,
So We CAn liVe,
God Gave us EyEs,
So WE CAn sEe.
God GAve US HANds,
So We Can HoLd,
God Gave us StrEngtH,
So We CAn Work.
God IS the FAther,
God IS THE sOn,
God cAn See whAt WE CAn'T,
GoD HAs EvEryThInG.
God GiVes Us SoUls,
God PuNIshEs tOo,
GoD GiVe Us Life,
God CAn TAke Our LiFe.
God IS GOd,
GoD iS A cHrIstIan,
God IS a jew.
And TherE's ONLy One God.
Facts about old Men & Women (Q & A)
A: Look in the library-------under Romantic Fiction.
Q: How can a guy cope during his wife's menopause?
A: By staying busy. If you're mechanically inclined, you can remodel the garage. When you are finished you will have a flat in which to live.
Q: How can a woman raise the heart rate of her 65+ year old spouse?
A: She should tell him she's with child.
Q: What can an older woman do for the wrinkles on her neck?
A: Don't wear a brassiere. The additional hanging "weights" will take out the wrinkles.
Q: How can older people remember where they parked their cars?
A: Use the Valet service. They have to remember where your car is.
Q: Do older people have problems storing their short term memories?
A: No, they have problems retrieving the memories from storage.
Q: Do older people have deeper sleep?
A: They do, but normally their deep sleep happens in the afternoon
Q: Where can older people find prescription eye glasses?
A: On top of their heads.
Q: What is the most often used sentence uttered by older people when they visit antique shops?
A: 'Gee, I have one of these.'
catching a rabbit...??
The CIA goes in.
They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist.
The FBI goes in.
After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming.
The LAPD goes in.
They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"
embarassing moment...
Saturday, August 15
Cinta Sejati
Saat ku renungkan hidup bersamaMu
Seringkali ku melupakanMu
Berjalan sendiri seakan ku mampu
Lalui tanpa kekuatanMu
Semakin berat beban hidupku
Semakin ku menjauh dariMu
Namun ada cinta yang tak pernah berlalu
Cinta yang ku dapat dariMu
Tak teruji lalui rentangan sang waktu
Kau mati bagiku
Berkorban untuk ku…….
Namun ada cinta yang tak pernah berlalu…..
Cinta yang ku dapat darimu..
Tak teruji lalui rentangan sang waktu
Kau mati bagiku
Berkorban untuk diriku…..
Sungai SukacitaMU
Sungai sukacitaMu mengalir dalamku
Anggur sukacitaMu melimpah dalamku
Ku menari dan bersuka
Puji Mu setiap waktu
Sebab sungai sukacitaMu ada dalamku
Mengalir bersamaMu,bersuka di dalamMu
MengikutiMu Tuhan dalam kegerakanMu
MelayaniMu Tuhan di dalam sukacitaMu
Sebab hanya Tuhan yang membuat
Sukacitaku penuh
Cinta Sejati...
Cinta yang ku dapat darimu,
tak teruji lalui rentangan sang waktu,
Kau mati bagiku,
berkorban untuk ku...
Sampai Memutih
Saat aku rindukanMu..
Kau yang selalu setia..
Menopangku dengan kasih setia..
Memberi aku kekuatan di tengah badai yang menakutkan..
Sampai memutih rambutku..
Kau putuskan aku..
Menutup usiaku..
Ku kan selalu menyembahMu..
Oh Yesus Tuhan ku..
Selamanya bagiMu....
Wednesday, August 12
memory 08/08

ice-cream, snacks, chicken wings, sausages & pork...
Friday, August 7
Wednesday, August 5
Umur itu menandakan detik kematian makin menghampiri..
Umur itu simbol kematangan individu...
Umur itu pengalaman..
Anda bukannya tua, anda cuma dilahirkan lebih awal daripada orang lain...

my 2 bros..

Monday, August 3
When I Say..............
When I say, "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting, "I’ve been saved!"
I'm whispering, "I get lost!
That's why I chose this way".When I say, "I am a Christian"
I don't speak with human pride
I'm confessing that I stumble -
Needing God to be my guideWhen I say, "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong
I'm professing that I'm weak
And pray for strength to carry on.When I say, "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success
I'm admitting that I've failed
And cannot ever pay the debt.When I say, "I am a Christian"
I don't think I know it all
I submit to my confusion
Asking humbly to be taught.When I say, "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are all too visible
But God believes I'm worth it.When I say, "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartache,
Which is why I seek His name.When I say, "I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge
I have no authority...
I only know I'm loved
0n AngeL wiNGs
On angel wings into the sky
On angel wings i do cry
Because those angel wings took you away
On angel wings the heralds sing
Is there no such lovely thing?
On angel wings you fly away.
I will see these angel wings again someday
When i am old and my time has come
On angel wings I will fly
Until I'm holding you once again
Smiling on angel wings.
Time is Time
Time is time.
Time craws
Time walks
Time is time.
Time runs
Time flies
Time is time.
Time changes
Time stands-still
Time is time.
Time goes forward
Time goes backward
Time is time, it is time
Saturday, August 1
dah sedia kini aku??
2 last semester tuk pra pismp....
bio, chem, phy.....
ari makin jampat bejalai...
laju mansa, nyau nda ulih gagai...
pendiau gik baka suba..
nadai kala berubah... t maya exam, slumber ja....
result pun slumber dah nya...
cukup2 makai ja...
baka orang k sakit raya, jengap2 nganti seput k padam..
bakanya meh ku 2...
kadang2 ku bepikir ga....
nama kebuah ku ulih masuk kitu????result pun nda manah.
maya result pansut, cg ngemudi blama meh aku.. nyium asap orang...
orang dah jauh ninggal, tudah diri gik kusil2, rungkup2 baka tekura nitih k orang..
orang dah datai ba bulan, tudah gik ba baruh bandir tapang..
nda nemu kemaya k sama sertai ngau orang!
ke nikal pulai, repa mai ga jalai, rawan mai ga andau...
pajak k ja meh.. t dah skali mansang, x jaku nikal k blakang...
nda patut ka ngemalu k niang aki kitai Rentap waii...........
t orang ulih, x patut kitai x ulih..
mata, pending, jari & kaki sama ga 2 igi, untak pen sama 1..
semua 2 bepanggai ba diri mpu...kitai k ngatur pengidup diri.
x sampai nesal dudi ari..
nesal dudi x reti...
nyamai nesal dulu..
Monday, July 20
we say.......God say
i'm too tired........................ I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
nob0dy really l0ves me.... I l0ve y0u (John 3:16 & 3:34)
i can't g0 0n....................... .My grace is sufficient ( II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
i'm n0t able........................ I am able ( Corinthians 9:8)
i can't d0 it......................... y0u can d0 all things (Philipians 4:13)
i can't f0rgive myself........ f0rgive y0u (J0hn 1:9)
i'm not worth it.................. it will be w0rth it (Roman 8:28)
i'm afraid............................. I have n0t given y0u a spirit 0f fear (II Timothy 1:7)
i can't manage.................... I will supply 0f all y0ur needs (Philipians 4:19)
i'm n0t smart en0ugh....... I give y0u wisd0m (I Corinthians 1:30)
i feel all al0ne......................I will never leave y0u n0r f0rsake y0u (Hebrews 13:5)
R.U.K.U.N. N.E.G.A.R.A.
U - utamakan kesihatan
K - kawal emosi
U - utuh pegangan agama
N - niat baik sentiasa
N - nikmat hidup dikogsi bersama
E - elak pertelingakahan
G - galak persahabatan
A - amalkan budi bahasa
R - rukun negara jadi panduan
A - alangkah bahagianya hidup di dunia!

Iya parai ba atas regang ketegal ti nebus dosa anak mensia.
Taja pia, dah 3 hari, Iya angkat idup baru, niki ke menua surga lalu duduk ba sepiak kanan Apai Iya. Iya deka datai baru, ngabas chara orang ke agi idup & orang ti dah parai. Penatai Iya enda enda disangka kitai. Iya deka datai baka penchuri lebuh malam hari. Iya deka datai ngenyit baka pangka nitar. Kati kitai amat dah besedia nganti penatai Iya ke-2 kali? Kati pengarap kitai amat dah teguh?????
Saturday, July 18

grup PPISMP708Sn,
beruntung bulih kaban manah baka kita..
kitai semua mesti sama - sama graduate ari IPGMKTAR..
anang mantul ngapa...
arapka kitai bekaban sampai ila - ila meh..
anang buai batu wai.. buai jala tau ambi bulih ikan..
berekat Tuhan selalu begulai enggau kitai semua,
A Special World
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.
And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.
Be thankful if he sends,
Not diamonds, pearls, or riches,
but the love of real true friends
Among life's precious jewels,
Genuine and rare,
The one that we call friendship
Has worth beyond compare.
The gift of knowing you..
For both the young and old,
From the tiniest little trinkets
To great boxes filled with gold.
But, put them all together
And they could not stand in lieu,
Of the greatest gift of all
The gift of knowing you....
I would do it just for you,
And share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own,
A place to find serenity,
A place to be alone
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea,
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me
I cannot build a mountain,
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best,
A friend who's always there
the miracle of FRIENDSHIP
that dwells within the heart
and you don't know how it happens
or when it even starts.
But the happiness it brings you
always gives a special lift
and you realize that Friendship
is God's most precious gift.
Friday, July 17
1 l0ve, 1 way, 1 life 4ever.....
it takes for a man to be saved for always.
One Life, One choice, to the way you live.
One way to lose, one way to the truth, one Jesus, one Lord.
With One Word, One open book the Bible,
to take one look that one love is in action and is a verb.
One of you, one devil, one hell, one born again believing trail.
One path to take, with one narrow way, all along the way.
With One set of pearly white gates to Get through into heaven someday.
One home, one heavenly mansion, made for all those Beloved children, in his grace.
One sin gone unforgiven, can make you fall from grace.
One prodigal son, one lost sheep, good enough to eat, one shepherd that was one good Samaritan, that found one room for a victim of a villain, in an inn.
With one special banquet, the marriage supper of the lamb.
One good master, that gave all the same wage, to his Servants.
One thicker bush for one ram that was caught to be a sacrifice for Isaac, and to save man, his father, beloved, Abraham.
One King one Queen, One Esther one by one came all the books of the bible.
One by one, is how all the names written in the lambs book of life are written for those that see the light, those that will be risen, with Christ.
One flute to sing, one bag of rocks in a sling, for David, the young king, one Samson, against all the many philistines.
One day, will we be in heaven to proclaim, That our One God, made one lifetime to last for all eternity to past.
For the goodness of one heart, in one body to say, that Jesus is the way.
That One death on the cross was enough for all of us, to be bought, to lead us from sinning, and start rejoicing, dancing.
One race, ran in such a way, that one obtains the prize.
Wednesday, July 15
Tuesday, July 14
peluang ke-2...
story ya..........
maya ku form5 ku c apply gai UTP(Universiti Teknologi Petronas)
ku bulih enggau orang EDUCAMP & interview ba UNIMAS.
gaga mai ku maya nya..
chukup pengaga!!!
so, ku nurun meh mai ati ti keran.
kediri aja ku ngagai UNIMAS.
kami c seminar 4 hari & hari ke-5 kami c interview.
interviewer ku maya nya lecturer ari UTP & pegawai ari PETRONAS empu.
kami c interview 2 sesi; individu & kumpulan.
dah ga jaku orang putih.
akai......deh indai...
pajak ke aja meh....
bendar meh mantai ke penemu diri, ngichaka bulih pia deh..
ku bulih result interview kena Jan 08.
puji Tuhan!! ku diterima masuk gai UTP.
naka meh pengaga anak ati...
so, ku pun bekemas ka barang, meli tiket bilun & bayar yuran pendaftaran.
gagit ati ka nurun. nda sabar gik...
sehari sebedau ku nurun, nda mukai2 kami sebilik nagang ku. nda ngasuh ku nurun.
alasan cda; ila tusah ngiga keja. nda tetap. nda gerenti bulih pengawa.
nadai ko enggau meh, ditelan parai apai, dilua parai indai.
nda nyadi meh ku nurun. naka penusah dalam ati. putus pengarap.
ku enggai gik nampung pelajar. ku nda masuk form6.
family ku ngasuh ku apply maktab, nyadi pengajar ko cda.
isi ja meh, tang ku cg nadai ati. kecewa mai ku..... nda nemu ku ka mada gik.
bendar mai ku suba apply gai UTP. setiap hari ku minta peluang nya ari Tuhan.
dah Tuhan meri ku peluang, ditulak ku. gerenti Iya nda meri ku peluang ke-2. nya meh kira ku.
ari siti, ku betemu enggau pengajar Thaddeus, ku madah gai iya pasal semua nya.
asai ka nitik ai mata ku maya bejaku enggau ya. tang, c siti pesan ya t dikingat ke aku sampai saritu; "t d nda bulih peluang ke-1, reti ya Tuhan c meri peluang ke-2 t lebih manah ari peluang ke dulu" diati baru ku mereti ka jaku ya. tu meh peluang ke-2; masuk maktab.
terima kasih Tuhan laban Nuan gik meri peluang gai aku. terima kasih. Amen.
perkara yang kupelajari....
membebel sahaja sepanjang hari,
namun tiada apa yang kubelajar daripadanya,
meskipun begitu banyak yang dia memperkata!
aku berjalanan sebatu bersama kedukaan,
tidakpun dia bertutur sepatah perkataan,
tetapi banyak perkara yang kupelajari di hari itu,
tatkala kedukaan berjalanan bersama daku!