A woman's heart should be so LOST in GOD that a MAN needs to seek HIM in order to find HER..^^,
Friday, November 19
abis dah...
p/s: biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia. ^^,
Monday, November 8
my heart beats faster than usual. it gives me heartache.
can't stop looking at ur pictures.
it makes me miss u more & more.
i admit it.
this feeling towards u...never change.
instead, it grows every second of my life.
can't forget about u.
kept on thinking about u every second of my life.
wish i can be a little honest & tell u about my feeling.
sometimes, i feel guilty.
but, i just can't do anything.
miss the way u used to message me.
miss the way u treat me when we went for an outing last time.
miss everything about u...
let me tell u something,
wish i could turn back the time.
if only i had one more chance...
how i wish..
Sunday, November 7
life is a theater..
There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a DISTANCE.
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of, or at least
minimize your time with, draining, negative, incompatible,
not-going-anywhere relationships/friendships.
Observe the relationships around you.
Pay attention!
Which ones lift and which ones lean?
Which ones encourage and which ones discourage?
Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill?
When you leave certain people do you feel better or feel worse?
Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know or appreciate you?
The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you...
the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of Your Life.
"If you cannot change the people around you, CHANGE the people you are around."
Remember that the people we hang with will have an impact on both our lives and our income. And so we must be careful to choose the people we hang out with, as well as the information with which we feed our minds.
We should not share our dreams with negative people, Nor feed our dreams with negative thoughts.
It's your choice and your life.....
It's up to you who and what you let in it......
got this from: http://www.indianchild.com/life_is_a_theater.htm
mansa runding..
The women came out of man's rib.
Not from his foot to be walked on.
Not from his head to be superior,
but from his side to be equal.
Under the arm to be protected,
Next to the heart to be loved.
Friday, November 5
the gift 0f life..
He said to the cow, "Today I have created you! As a cow, you must go to the field with the farmer all day long.
You will work all day under the sun! I will give you a life span of 50 years."
The cow objected, "What? This kind of a tough life you want me to live for 50 years? Let me have 20 years, and the 30 years I'll give back to you." So God agreed.
On the second day, God created the dog.
God said to the dog, "You are supposed to do is to sit all day by the door of your house.
Any people that come in, you will have to bark at them! I'll give a life span of 20 years."
The dog objected, "What? All day long to sit by the door? No way!
I give you back my other 10 years of life!" So God agreed.
On the third day, God created the monkey.
He said to the monkey, "Monkeys have to entertain people. You've got to make them laugh and do monkey tricks. I'll give you 20 years life span."
The monkey objected. "What? Make them laugh? Do monkey faces and tricks?
Ten years will do, and the other 10 years I'll give you back." So God agreed.
On the fourth day, God created man.
He said to him, "Your job is to sleep, eat, and play.
You will enjoy very much in your life. All you need to do is to enjoy and do nothing. This kind of life, I'll give you a 20 year life span."
The man objected. "What? Such a good life! Eat, play, sleep, do nothing?
Enjoy the best and you expect me to live only for 20 years?
No way, man!....Why don't we make a deal?
Since the cow gave you back 30 years, and the dog gave you back 10 years and the monkey gave you back 10 years, I will take them from you!
That makes my life span 70 years, right?" So God agreed.
In our first 20 years, we eat, sleep, play, enjoy the best and do nothing much.
For the next 30 years, we work all day long, suffer and get to support the family.
For the next 10 years, we entertain our grandchildren by making monkey faces and monkey tricks.
And for the last 10 years, we stay at home, sit by the front door and bark at people!
Thursday, November 4
Friendship & Love
-Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
-Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
-You can only go as far as you push.
-Actions speak louder than words.
-The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
-Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuff.
-Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it.
-A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.
-If you think that the world means nothing, think again. You might mean the world to someone else.
-When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
-True friendship never ends.
-Friends are forever.
-Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
-Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
-What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
-Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
-Most people walk in and out of you life. But only True friends leave footprints in your heart.
When we look back on our younger years, we will remember the people who went to school with us, the people who made us laugh, the people who hung out with us when nobody else would, and the people who made our lives much better simply by being a part of it.
There may be somebody who is thinking about you RIGHT NOW and wishing that you were around. That's the wonderful thing about friendship-you always feel loved and cared about.
The most important thing to remember is... Always appreciate the friends that you have.
A fight may come and go very easily, but a friendship could last forever.
Sunday, October 31
suke jer..
Saturday, October 30
Seredah time...
tiba2, ku terpeda k cute little baby..
adoiii....cute mat.
geram..asai ka cyg & cubit baby nya..
cumil mat..
alerr...teringin la pulak nak da baby sendiri.
can't stop thinking about tat little baby.
maok baby kdak ya juak...
bila gik owh..???
nya la kebuah ya dikumbai SEREDAH TIME. urang k maca tu pun tumpang SEREDAH. haha!
Thursday, October 21
Mimau ku cayau..Kucha
Monday, October 18
EpiL0g se0rang 'DIA'
Kenapa harus menghakimi dirinya hanya kerna dia sebegitu?
Layakkah kalian menghakiminya jika kalian tidak pernah merasai yang dia rasa?
Sejak kecil, dia tidak pernah menyuarakan keinginan pada kedua orang tuanya.
Dia sedar status ekonomi keluarganya tidak membenarkan dia berbuat sedemikian.
Jika meminta, bagaimana adiknya pula?
Mampukah ibubapanya menunaikan permintaan kedua-duanya?
Sudah tentu tidak! Dia tidak pernah minta apa-apa.
Dia akan berusaha mendapatkannya sendiri.
Dia tidak pernah meluahkan segala isi hati & permasalahan kepada si ibu kerna khuatir dia akan menyusahkan mereka.
Dia nekad. Selagi dia boleh memikul masalah itu,
Kenapa mesti menyusahkan pihak lain? Itu masalahnya sendiri.
Zaman remajanya berlalu begitu saja....
Dia tidak pernah melalui zaman keseronokan seperti remaja lain.
Punya masa untuk berfoya-foya, berseronok bersama teman, dating bersama bf/gf. Pelbagai aktiviti lain. Tidakk!
Zaman persekolahannya penuh cabaran.
Seringkali dia nekad untuk berhenti. Tidak meneruskan persekolahan.
Namun, dia sedar. Hanya pendidikan yang dapat membawanya keluar dari lembah kemiskinan.
Ya! Hanya PENDIDIKAN! Dia teruskan perjuangan.
Zaman sekolah, dia tetap berusaha mencari wang saku sendiri.
Bekerja dengan guru; menjaga anak guru yang masih kecil, mengemas rumah guru, membawa lebihan nasi dari dewan makan & menjemurnya untuk gurunya, ke kebun guru mengutip buah lada yang sudah masak, bekerja di kantin milik gurunya pada waktu rehat..
Semua itu dia lakukan untuk mencari wang sakunya sendiri. Dia tidak pernah mengeluh.
Cuti persekolahan dia mencari pekerjaan. Menjual kuih-muih. Menjadi babysitter. Bekerja di kedai makan milik datuknya. Di salon rambut. Paling tidak dia mengikut keluarganya menoreh getah.
Sedikitpun dia tidak pernah menyuarakan isi hatinya. TIDAK.
Dia berusaha demi 1 tujuan. DUIT.
Ya, dia memang mata duitan.
Dia tidak kisah. Memang dia perlukan duit.
Bukan saja untuk dirinya tetapi untuk keluarganya.
Ya. Perjuangannya belum selesai.....
Saturday, October 16
life as an 0rchestra member of IPGKTAR
Thursday, October 7
MINI POP ORKESTRA pertama di Sarawak dari IPG Kampus Tun Abdul Razak.
perform 4 d 1st time in front of Sarawak Chief Minister.
very proud for our team.
tis meaningful moment in my life.......
as a violinist...
never dream bout this.
couldn't believe it wif my own eyes.
it's really great..
proud. happy. proud. happy..............
Sunday, August 29
dun ask!
that matter...
that emotions....
that memories...
that things....
dun ask me what!
i think of him all the time.
i miss him all the time.
i want to meet him everyday.
i want to see him every second of my life.
i want to hear his voice..
i want to.................everything about him.
dun ask me who!
i can't forget him.
i want him.
i need him.
only he........
i .................. everything about him.
dun ask me why!
remember d day???
remember d date???
remember d month???
i did remember it!
those memorable day.
i won't forget that day.
d day i met u.
glad tat i spent a day with him.
dun ask me when!
remember d places???
this place, that place, those place, bla bla bla..
our last destination...remember it???
yes, i do!
how about u???
dun ask me where!
Saturday, August 21
dengan alasan yang tak jelas.
apa aku pernah mengeluh
apa aku pernah berlari
saat kau ada masalah
apa aku pernah mendua
kau menilai ku salah
sepanjang perjalanan cintamu
kau puji aku setiap waktu
tetapi kenyataannya berlawanan
ku tak pernah ada baiknya
Sunday, August 15
Wish i can b by your side each second of my life.
Miss every moments we had spent together last time.
Where are you? I'm waiting.
I will be waiting....
I promise.
Kept on thinking about you.
Why can't you understand me?
Don't you know how much i like you?
Wish i can tell u.
but, i don't have the courage.
Saturday, August 14
My New Interest....VIOLIN


my 1st time joining orchestra group. never play violin before. but, i'm willing to try. don't know how to read music note & play violin.
pity rite???? i dun care. i will work harder than them. i know i can. this is the only chance i have after all this time. i never get a single chance to do what i like. so, i will never let this go. this is my hope. thanx for da advice dear. u give me courage to get wut i want.
Sunday, August 1
31st July 2010
Friday, July 23
Monday, July 19
Sunday, July 18
Saturday, July 17
I feel like a prisoner that no one can see!
I'm always so lost but yet some how I am found,
I count the days until I may finally find a true best friend,
Sadly the days that i could may never end,
It feels like I am in a cage that i wasnt forced into,
I count the days until i finally decide to come out.
I'm just a girl who is afraid to live life,
Somehow I'm not afraid to grow up...
I count the days until I can finally say I am happy,
Instead I just always end up feeling so crappy.
Why do some people seem to find happiness while others cannot?
I count the days until i find the answer to all of life's questions,
I guess I'll never know them because it all takes experience,
No one in this world is fit to handle the truth....
the real truth.. or are we?
Monday, July 5
thought of d day..
"some of the great things in life are unseen that's why you close your eyes when u kiss, cry, or dream and even sleep...
but not forever bcoz he really love you in reality..
you've got to feel his heartbeat"
now i realised why people close their eyes every time they kiss, cry, dream or sleep.
theres sumthing tats unseen in which i dun realised till now.
thanx buddy. u make realise about d greatest thing in my life.
Sunday, July 4
& its harder every.
u'll break ur heart too.
so, remember how it felt when sum1 broke urs.
u'll fight wif ur best fren & mayb fall in luv wif them.
u'll blame a new luv 4 things an old one did.
u'll cry bcoz time is passing too fast
& u'll eventually lose sum1 close 2 u.
so, enjoy urself, laugh too much, & luv like u've never been hurt
bcoz every 60 seconds u spend angry or upset is a minute of HAPPINESS u'll never get BACK.
Sunday, June 27
5 Jun 2010
had a great time taja pn smua plan nda jadi. hehe..
ka mandi ko jaku tang ari ujan ga.
lebu ngapa. asa ati.
nama g pengawa..dugau - dugau ja ba pondok.
last2 nyukat jalai.
niki tebiang, nurun tebiang. niki tangga, nurun tangga.
nyau pandak seput disintak. huhhh.......
dah abis nyukat jalai, lepak2 dlm keta.
dah nya..pa gik. chow ja la ari Sebangkoi. smua plan batal.
another trip to Ckei Waterfront.
bejalai ba tebing sg. Ckei.
ngemata k temeka. hehehe..
kiut mai gamal cda ya. dah ga nyau rayap2 ba tebing.
singin mai ati ka terjun nangkap bala temeka nya.
lelak bejalai. duduk. lepak2. makai.
bjalai gai tmn merdeka.
my favourite place.
luv tat so much.
i can spend hours there, sitting, all by myself.
luv it when we spent a short time there.
our last destination,
unforgettable memories left behind.
unexpected things do happen.
u r rite. ANYHING CAN HAPPEN. totally agree wif tat.
its an unforgettable moment tat we spent 2 gether.
really miz it. miz u too.
Thursday, May 27
its stupid. idiot. its not luv. its LUST!
never make a promise if u can't keep it.
if u dun want to take responsibility till d end, dun do it.
forget bout it.
u r not worth my tears.
i hate it when u make a promise.
i dun need it.
im fine.
i prefer it to b tis way.
i've already give u second chance. but, u never change.
u never appreciate d thing u hav in ur life.
u only realize it once u lost it.
u owes regret when sumthing precious once had before is not urs anymore.
u deserve it.
u know wut???
u can b a gud fren, but never a gud lover.
i already told u before.
but, u insist on trying. so, i giv u chance.
now, u see wut happen. u ruin our friendship since kid.
i luv u as a fren, not more than tat. it will never change.
now, u leave me alone. im wondering bout our relationship status.
i kept on asking myself wut i am to u. who am i in ur life????
i din't ask anything from u. i dun need ur money. i dun need ur car. i dun need ur damn gud looking face!
i just wan sumone to care bout my feeling. i may look strong, but deep inside me im too fragile. easily hurt.
mayb im selfish & demanding sumtime. but, its bcoz i need ur attention.
to whom do i share my joys & sorrows with, if its not with u.
u swear to b owes by my side, but u never did it. u leave me ALONE!
but its ok. i can handle everything alone. im already used to it.
i dun need u anymore. u can just walk away from my life if tat wut u want.
im giving u freedom to make choice & decision. everythings in ur hands.
damn wif all those promises u once made.
if u dun, i'll make my move first. im thinking of leaving u.
u r nothing to me. u never exist in my life. u r only a small piece of puzzle in my life. thanx for making me happy even though its only a short period of time. i really appreciate it. i'll never forget it.
u know why its difficult for me to luv u????
i can't trust u. i dun trust people, especially in relationship.
luv will fade away. it din't last 4ever.
people owes change. me too.
mayb tis is 4 our own gud. i dun wan to hurt anymore. its PAINFUL.
it left scars in me. it lasts 4ever. im trying to start a new life. without u. COMPLETELY WITHOUT U.
enough wif wut already happened. past is past.
i dun care if u hate me. yes, im cruel. im heartless.
but remember, u r d one who taught me to b like tis.
i try to luv u, to accept u in my life. i kept on telling myself tat u r d best 4 me. u r my MR. RIGHT.
i shouldn't done it.
i made a big mistake in my life. but tats ok. i learnt a lot from u.
life is not easy. sumtime, its unfair.
just wanna let u know..........
im glad i met sumone. i hav sumone in my life.
he s really important to me.
he appreciates me more than u do.
he cares bout me.
he s such a gud fren.
at least i hav sumone to talk to when im happy or sad.
he owes by my side.
whether im happy or sad, he s d one who cares bout me.
thanx buddy...
really appreciate u in my life.
u owes support me in any condition.
luv u owes...
Friday, May 21
it is he...
im glad i met him.
he s such a gud fren.
he s owes there 4 me.
he owes by my side.
whether im happy or sad, he owes by my side.
when im down, he comforts me.
he knws to make me laugh at a broken heart.
his words ease my feeling.
he makes me 4get bout all problems for while.
wut a blessed to knw sumone like him.
im really glad i knw u.
really appreciate u in my life.
miz ur jokes, advices, etc.
u r part of my life.
thanx for everything.
may God bless u owes..
Thursday, May 20
d beauty of V0ICE
It’s not in the choice of words
It’s not the classiness of accent
it’s not in the huskiness of speech
It’s the beauty of his voice that attracts
The purity of his heart is what reflects in the dialogue
When he is happy his joy is apparent in his talk
When he is bitterly angry his annoyance is clear in his silence amidst a heavy speech
His voice conveys every emotion
What he wants to say
What he doesn’t want to but intends to make sure you understand
That’s the splendor of his voice
At times when I don’t want to listen to even a single word from him
And the way he calms me down with a cute and adorable note
His effortless ways of convincing and explaining the walks of life is what is commendable
It’s the serenity of his speech what makes the dialect too innocent
That’s the ethereal beauty of his voice
Listening to him, Talking to him
Takes you to the exquisite journey of patience
The beauty of his voice is so magnificent that its takes you to dark realms of brooding ambience
A swirling eternal world of dreams
It’s in the genuineness of his words
it’s in the depth of his of speech
It’s is the elegance of his accent
It’s all in the delicate beauty of his voice
cause that’s the only thing that makes his presence felt.
i am just a girl
Few dreams few thoughts
I am fond of fun and laughter
Be it sorrow be it life
I just want to forget all my issues and work it out somehow
I am just a girl
I love being talked about
Hard work is not just my life it is actually my life
I love being appreciated for things I do
I know how to get what i want I know how to set things right
I am just a girl
I have less time I know
There are so many things I want to achieve
I am not a super brain but my intellect is my strength
But still I have a lot to say, a lot to do, give me liberty, sit back and watch the play
I am just a girl
It feels good to be in love
It is great to have someone around
It’s awesome, but if you think you can rule me, think again
I might just be a girl, but I have the ability to topple your world and turn the tables
Don’t underestimate me
I know I have the power
I know I have the courage to stand and for my right
I am strong enough to deal with anything at all
But yes, I am just a girl.
Monday, May 17
st0ry 0f luv & eg0
"Sometimes a moment is a lifetime."
Once upon a time there was an island
where all the feelings lived together
One day there was a storm in the sea and the island was about to get drowned.
Every feeling was scared but Love made a boat to escape
Every feeling boarded the boat only 1 feeling was left.
Love got down to see who it was...
It was EGO..
Love tried and tried but ego wasn't moving
Also the water was rising.
Every one asked love to leave him and come in the boat, but love was made to love. At last all the feelings escape and Love dies with ego on the island...
Sunday, May 16
Hepy Teacher's Day
this is my 2nd year t0 celebrate teacher's day as a trainee teacher.
really happy when sumone wish me "HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY"
its really meaningful.
now i realise how much it means to my teachers.
im really thankful to all my teacher since kindergarten until now.
to all my teacher at TBK Kemas Julau, SK St Alphonsus, SK Ng Luau, SMK Julau & IPGKTAR
once again i would like to wish u all........
Saturday, May 15
rite nw i feel really tired.
tired of everything.
why life so difficult & unfair???
im tired of waiting,
tired of listening,
tired of moving on,
tired of loving u,
tired of trying,
tired of this life............
feel like wanna giv up.
my sunshine,
there s only 1 thing i knw,
there s only 1 person tat luv me so much no matter who am i,
there s only 1 person tat never leave me alone,
there s only 1 person tat never betray,
there s only 1 person.............
rite nw,
im alone in tis room.
all i feel is emptiness,
inside me, around me..
i am all alone.
Wednesday, May 12
That makes me
then breaks me?
When in love,
Do I truly love?
Is it really love,
Or do I think that I love?
Maybe I just love being in love,
Or love the idea of being in love?
I spent my whole life chasing love.
In the end the one thing I truly love
Could just be the mere pursuit of love.
I close the window.
Holding a cup of coffee.
I let it flow into my body, feels warm and tingling feeling as this vessel hunger for heat.
It's quiet.
Pin drop silent.
Not a single sound can be heard.
So, this is what it feels to be ALONE???????
I didn't realize how needy I am until now.
Not complaining about the solitude.
Not complaining being independent.
Not complaining about lonely.
It's empty.
See, if you're stuck together, we can talk, face to face.
we can even play games.
If you don;t face each other, nothing will start.
Everyone has a present and has a past.
In order to understand, people need to talk face to face and let their feelings crash into each other.
Even families can't understand things unless it's put in words.
It's even important when you're not blood related.
But facing another person means that you might both hurt each other,
or end up hating each other.
However, pretending you understand someone else not saying anything is even worse.
Say things
and that's what makes "trust"
Think about it.
Tuesday, May 11
Mystery 0F FrieNdshiP...
N0t a m0ment in time will b the same,
U will kn0w the inner peace 0f friendship,
When u hear them whisper ur name.
When u c0me 2 kn0w a gud fren,
& they take ur trembling hand,
They will lead u 0n a j0urney,
2 a far 0ff distant land.
When they quietly c0me 2 greet u,
In the early morning hue,
U will find a w0rld 0f w0nder,
As u waltz up0n the dew.
When they whisper ever gently,
In the earlier m0rning light,
When u feel their blessed presence,
It will ast0und u,
As the inter turm0il fades away.
When u find a nite 0f darkness,
And u stumble 2 the gr0und,
U will feel the brilliant light 0f them,
They will never try 2 let u d0wn.
When u c0me 2 kn0w the mysteries,
N0t a m0ment in time will b the same,
U will kn0w the inner peace 0f friendship
When u hear them whisper ur name...........
Saturday, May 8
last nite was a great nite huh?
spending times wif my beloved frens at fun fair.
really enjoy myself very much.
luv it!!!
slept early coz i was very tired.
woke up at 7am, feeling hungry...wanna eat sumthing.
very lazy to get up.
so, i just laid on my bed, read SCE3102's notes..
then, fallin' sleep again.
heard sumone knock d door.
who's tat???
its louisa comin'.
chit chat chit chat.......
louisa goin' back.
roomate still fast asleep.
feel lonely rite now.
can't stop thinking bout sumone.
really miz u dear....
r u coming today?
can i meet u?
shall we spend our time together?
its been a long time since i met u dear...
those questions kept on appearing in my mind.
but i don't hav d answer.
shall sumone help me to find d answer?
help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hate tis feeling..
im bored, hungry, lonely, tired, etc...
ouch....its already 11am.
i haven't take bath yet.
gtg now my sunshine.
wanna take my bath.
almost afternoon.
hungry, hungry, hungry.....
bubbye....c u later. ^_^
Wednesday, May 5
its MEEE..
my hair d0esn't stay 0wes in place,
i spill things a l0t.
i'm pretty clumsy.
sumtimes i hav a br0ken heart.
my frens & i sumtimes had a fight,
sum days,
n0thing g0es rite..
when i think bout it,
& take a step back,
i remember h0w AMAZING life th0r0ughly is
& tat mayb...
juz mayb...
Thursday, April 29
d pr0bleM wiF gUys
If u Don't, he says u are PROUD.
If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him;
If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG.
If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN;
If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS.
If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;
If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT.
If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u;
If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.(very true huh?)
If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him;
If u do!! he says u are CHEAP.
If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME;
If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him.
If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him;
If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u.
If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;
If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so.
If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl;
If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK;
If he does WELL, it's BRAINS.
If u HURT him, u are CRUEL;
If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!!
& t0o hard to please!!!!!
Leka Sampi
Enti kita nyau nyadoh ka tubuh bebai pulai nandang,
Anang kita enda ngelua ka belili leka dabong raang,
Engkah ka kita atas chapak ke lelidak atas tikai,
Awak ka dikena aku nyabang ubat pandai.
Enti tusui aku ditu bisi salah enda manah,
Anang kita mantah enggau dilah dabung landai.
Anang Kita ngemalu ka tudah aku di lempedu tangkai kamai.
Laban aku endang enda tau ngelulu ka kita ngena jaku nyampau dirintai.
Aku ga semina nampung jaku orang ke dulu udah danjan,
Ngagai batang Mandai Rawan.
Aku ga endang deka nguji nitih ka ripih adat Iban,
Niti nali nampung adat sida Aki Lang Menaul Buban.
Enggau tu aku arap ka kita Gayu-guru ku Sentuku,
Gerai nyamai ku Selampandai,
Nadai apa, nadai nama ku Petara.
Kitai tu sama-sama nampuk ngagai Tuchung Rabung Benama,
Ngambika kitai jelai rita nguan menua.
Terima Kasih ngagai samua kita ti rindu ka penemu lama,
Arap ka kitai tau betemu jemah ila.
Wednesday, April 28
HOW t0 impr0ve d relati0nship???
* Don't sacrifice yourself for the relationship.
* Take responsibility for your feelings.
* Know you can only change yourself.
* Be yourself always.
* Know your intentions behind your words.
* Communicate your wants and needs to your partner.
* Accept them as they are.
* Let go of absolute value judgments.
* Drop your expectations of how they "should" be.
* Listen with your whole body, mind and soul.
* Express your appreciation and gratitude openly and often.
* Examine your beliefs about love relationships.
* Use humor to defuse difficult situations.
* Examine your desire to control your partner.
* Have a dialogue about your beliefs.
When u wait for someone for few...
its your NEED.
its your TRUST.
its your friendship.
to wait when u know d person will not come,
its your LOVE.
Saturday, April 24
Law 0f d w0rLd
people may be good at d beginning and be cruel in d end.
if they know u're weak,
there's a possibility that they will hurt u;
they can make u fall in love but after loving them back;
they can leave u;
psychological human attitude often occurs
that people isn't much interested wif the food on their own plate.
Never allow somebody to be ur priority
when in fact u're just his option.
It just feels so good to fall in luv
but be sure you're ready to shed tears bcoz most of d times, it hurts.
Cowardly manner it may seem,
but for sometimes, no matter how much u luv someone,
it is still wiser not to have tat person back again..
my wish...
I wish to dream on you
Each second
I wish to think on you
You are my love
You are my soul
You are my life
You are the eve of my life
I'm breathing you
My heart beats your name
My eyes looks for you
Last second of my life is to be with you
You are the only one I love
You are the only one who holds my future
I love you for no reason
'Coz love without reason lasts longer.
letting go...
Is difficult & painful decision to do
As u r so dear & close to me, too.
Letting u go means
How much i luv u...
You're the center of my life even u can
Never be mine
Coz u have someone else in ur mind.
But i have to be strong & face reality
That everything has changed
&accept that things r not going to be the same.
I'm not right for u
You're not the one for me
So here i am setting u free
Free to move on & go where i want to be.
Always remember...
In my life, u'd played an important part
u'll be kept in a special place...
Here in my heart..
PurESt 0F pAin
I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it
And so I surrendered, just to hear your voice.
Don't know how many times I said I'm gonna live without you,
And maybe someone else is standing there beside you,
But there's something, baby you need to know.
That deep inside me, I feel like I'm dying. I have to see you,
It's all that I'm asking.
Vida, give me back my fantasy. The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe.
Cario mio, my world's become so empty. The days are so cold and lonely
And each night I taste the purest of pain.
i wish i could tell u im feeling better everyday that it didn't hurt when u walked away but to tell
that truth i can't find my way
That deep inside me, I feel like I'm dying. I have to see you,
It's all that I'm asking.
Vida, give me back my fantasy. The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe.
Cario mio, my world's become so empty. The days are so cold and lonely
And each night I taste the purest of pain.
Vida, give me back my fantasy. The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe.
Cario mio, my world's become so empty. The days are so cold and lonely
And each night I taste the purest of pain.
Vida, give me back my fantasy. The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight it.
I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it
Tuesday, April 20
RAM GIRLS : she 4gets bout u, d moment u turn her off
WINDOWS GIRLS : everyone knows tat she can't do thing right, but no one can live without her
SCREEN SAVER GIRLS : she is gud 4 nothing, but at least she is fun
INTERNET GIRLS : difficult to access
SERVER GIRLS : owes busy when u need her
MULTIMEDIA GIRLS : she makes horrible things look beautiful
CD-ROM GIRLS : she is owes faster & faster
EMAIL GIRLS : every 10 things she says, 8 are nonsense
VIRUS GIRLS : also known as "WIFE". when u not expecting her, she comes. installs herself & use all ur resources. if u try to uninstall her, u will lose something. if u dun try to uninstall her, u will lose everything.
d girl gav him a challenge t0 live a day without her,
0nly then she she'll marry him.
n0 c0mmunicati0n was there f0r 24 h0urs,
he didn't kn0w tat she has 0nly 24 h0urs t0 live coz she's ill.
after 24 h0urs, he went t0 her h0use h0lding a ring.
he was sh0cked t0 kn0w tat she was dead.
she left a letter f0r him saying,
"u did it. u can b without me. d0 it everyday my luv. i will 0wes luv u. miz u."
Friday, April 16
venue: IPGKTAR, Kem Permai, Kpg Nangka
date: 5/4 - 8/4 2010
group name: Topaz
group members:
- Erick (K)
- Paula (PK)
- Mbok (S/u)
- Eve (Bndahari)
- Rudy
- Abu
- Apiz
- Murni
- Vera
- Susan
1st day: nirika khemah & ngaga dapur, taklimat keselamatan, ice-breaking, ujian psikologi, sesi moral, LDK1 (mengenali potensi diri)
2nd day: sesi moral, aktiviti air-berkayak (partner:Erick), sesi moral, LDK2 (motivasi kepuasan kerja)
3rd day: sesi moral, aktiviti darat-jungle trekking, sesi moral, mlm bakat
4th day: sesi moral, LDK3 (penghargaan kendiri & perubahan sikap), refleksi, majlis penutupan, clear up kwsn perkhemahan
lelengau k pengingat maya begulai taja lelak & mayuh penusah. really miz tat moment. unforgettable. got to know everybody. make new frens too. luv u all my group members. really a gud guys & gurls. glad to know u people. learnt a lot from u all. EVERYTHING. won't 4get tis precious time wif u all. thankz 4 everythings. sorry if im quite troublesome & annoyed u people sumtimes. really appreciate teamwork & cooperation as well as toleration. gone through thick & thin during d 4-day B.I.G. thankz again my dear frens. may GOD blez u all. Amen.
Saturday, April 3
Thursday, April 1
my 20th bday
Saturday, March 13
kecil bertanya kepada ibunya "Mengapa
ibu menangis?"
"Kerana aku seorang
wanita", kata sang ibu kepadanya.
"Aku tidak mengerti",
kata anak itu.
Ibunya hanya memeluknya
dan berkata, "Dan kau tak akan pernah
Kemudian anak laki-laki
itu bertanya kepada ayahnya, "Mengapa
ibu suka menangis tanpa alasan?"
"Semua wanita menangis
tanpa alasan", hanya itu yang dapat
dikatakan oleh ayahnya.
Anak laki-laki kecil itu
pun lalu tumbuh menjadi seorang
laki-laki dewasa, tetap ingin tahu
mengapa wanita menangis.
Akhirnya ia menghubungi
Tuhan, dan ia bertanya, "Tuhan, mengapa
wanita begitu mudah menangis?"
Allah berfirman:
"Ketika Aku menciptakan
seorang wanita, ia diharuskan untuk
menjadi seorang yang istimewa. Aku
membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk
menopang dunia; namun, harus cukup
lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan "
"Aku memberikannya
kekuatan dari dalam untuk mampu
melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakan
yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya "
"Aku memberinya
kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap tegar
ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan
mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan
dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh "
"Aku memberinya kepekaan
untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam
setiap keadaan, bahkan ketika anaknya
bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya "
"Aku memberinya kekuatan
untuk mendukung suaminya dalam
kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan
tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi
hatinya "
"Aku memberinya
kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui bahwa
seorang suami yang baik takkan pernah
menyakiti isterinya, tetapi kadang
menguji kekuatannya dan ketetapan
hatinya untuk berada disisi suaminya
tanpa ragu"
"Dan akhirnya, Aku
memberinya air mata untuk dititiskan dan
ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk
digunakan bilapun ia perlukan."
"Kau tahu;kecantikan
seorang wanita bukanlah dari pakaian
yang dikenakannya, susuk yang ia
tampilkan, atau bagaimana ia menyisir
"Kecantikan seorang
wanita harus dilihat dari matanya,
kerana itulah pintu hatinya.. Tempat