Sunday, August 30

the spice of life..

Jack: Don't drive too fast! u r driving me to the grave....!
John: Well....... u don't expect to walk there, rite???
teacher: Now tell me the truth, who did your homework?
boy : My father.
teacher: Quite alone?
boy : No. I helped him with it!
teacher: @#@**
boy: Hey girl! I saw Brown the other day treated his wife the way I wouldn't treat my dog.
girl: Great boy..! What did he do??
boy: Kissing her!!
audience: Can you carry a tune?
musician: Yes, of course!
audience: Well, carry the one you just finish & bury it in the yard!
*just 4 laugh...

Monday, August 17


GoD crEAtEd HeAveN,
GoD CrEAted EarTH,
GoD cReatEd LighTnEss,
GoD CrEAted DArkNess.
GoD MADe LioNs,
God MADe IrOns,
God HAd No MiSTAkeS.
GoD IS miRacLe,
God MaDE ObStaCLe,
God CrEATed Adam,
God CreaTed Eve.
GoD GAve Us Heart,
So We CAn liVe,
God Gave us EyEs,
So WE CAn sEe.
God GAve US HANds,
So We Can HoLd,
God Gave us StrEngtH,
So We CAn Work.
God IS the FAther,
God IS THE sOn,
God cAn See whAt WE CAn'T,
GoD HAs EvEryThInG.
God GiVes Us SoUls,
God PuNIshEs tOo,
GoD GiVe Us Life,
God CAn TAke Our LiFe.
God IS GOd,
GoD iS A cHrIstIan,
God IS a jew.
And TherE's ONLy One God.

Facts about old Men & Women (Q & A)

Q: Where can guys over 65 find youthful, pretty women who are interested in dating them?
A: Look in the library-------under Romantic Fiction.

Q: How can a guy cope during his wife's menopause?
A: By staying busy. If you're mechanically inclined, you can remodel the garage. When you are finished you will have a flat in which to live.

Q: How can a woman raise the heart rate of her 65+ year old spouse?
A: She should tell him she's with child.

Q: What can an older woman do for the wrinkles on her neck?
A: Don't wear a brassiere. The additional hanging "weights" will take out the wrinkles.

Q: How can older people remember where they parked their cars?
A: Use the Valet service. They have to remember where your car is.

Q: Do older people have problems storing their short term memories?
A: No, they have problems retrieving the memories from storage.

Q: Do older people have deeper sleep?
A: They do, but normally their deep sleep happens in the afternoon

Q: Where can older people find prescription eye glasses?
A: On top of their heads.

Q: What is the most often used sentence uttered by older people when they visit antique shops?
A: 'Gee, I have one of these.'

catching a rabbit...??

The LAPD, The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.
The CIA goes in.
They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist.
The FBI goes in.
After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming.
The LAPD goes in.
They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"

embarassing moment...

An introvert went to bar and spots a pretty looking woman sitting on the stool. He mustered all his courage for long time, then timidly approached and asked her, "Ma’ am, would be OK if sit here and talk with you?" She was alert, suspecting this man, and responds by yelling, "No, I won't sleep with you tonight!" Customers in the bar started staring at them. The embarrassed guy quickly returns to his table dejected and ashamed. The young woman waits a little and then goes to the guy to apologize. With a smile on her face she says, "I am sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I am a college student in psychiatry and I am putting together a thesis as to how people react to embarrassing moments." The cunning guy now yells loudly, "What do you mean by $500?"

Saturday, August 15

Cinta Sejati

Saat ku renungkan hidup bersamaMu
Seringkali ku melupakanMu
Berjalan sendiri seakan ku mampu
Lalui tanpa kekuatanMu
Semakin berat beban hidupku
Semakin ku menjauh dariMu
Namun ada cinta yang tak pernah berlalu

Cinta yang ku dapat dariMu
Tak teruji lalui rentangan sang waktu
Kau mati bagiku
Berkorban untuk ku…….

Namun ada cinta yang tak pernah berlalu…..
Cinta yang ku dapat darimu..
Tak teruji lalui rentangan sang waktu
Kau mati bagiku
Berkorban untuk diriku…..

Sungai SukacitaMU

Sungai sukacitaMu mengalir dalamku
Anggur sukacitaMu melimpah dalamku
Ku menari dan bersuka
Puji Mu setiap waktu

Sebab sungai sukacitaMu ada dalamku
Mengalir bersamaMu,bersuka di dalamMu
MengikutiMu Tuhan dalam kegerakanMu
MelayaniMu Tuhan di dalam sukacitaMu
Sebab hanya Tuhan yang membuat
Sukacitaku penuh

Cinta Sejati...

Namun ada cinta yang tak pernah berlalu,
Cinta yang ku dapat darimu,
tak teruji lalui rentangan sang waktu,
Kau mati bagiku,
berkorban untuk ku...

Sampai Memutih

Kau selalu hadir...
Saat aku rindukanMu..
Kau yang selalu setia..
Menopangku dengan kasih setia..
Memberi aku kekuatan di tengah badai yang menakutkan..
Sampai memutih rambutku..
Kau putuskan aku..
Menutup usiaku..
Ku kan selalu menyembahMu..
Oh Yesus Tuhan ku..
Selamanya bagiMu....

Wednesday, August 12

memory 08/08

the sweetest memories in my life....
trips to 3 destination; Serikin, Wind Cave & Blue Lake...
1st destination; Serikin..
shopping...bought lots of things; foods, clothes, bag, perfume, etc...
2nd destination; Wind Cave..
bbq, swim & play in the river..
guess what we eat.......??
ice-cream, snacks, chicken wings, sausages & pork...
3rd destination; Blue Lake..
clear, blue water...
really beautiful...
a very big lake...
we took lots of pics there...
i'm enjoying myself very much...

Friday, August 7

menikmati pemandangan yg indah...
sexy ya.....
bez mai t ulih bakatu ney.....

Wednesday, August 5


Umur itu bayangan jiwa...
Umur itu menandakan detik kematian makin menghampiri..
Umur itu simbol kematangan individu...
Umur itu pengalaman..
Anda bukannya tua, anda cuma dilahirkan lebih awal daripada orang lain...

Pengingat maya ari raya 08. Maya tu g nyadi junior. hehehe..... Baru tama sem1. Dibai bala abang2 senior ngabang gai kaban cda. So, kami 3 pun join cda. Bez mai ngabang maya 2. Kenyang perut makai utai k dibantai bala laut k ndur kami ngabang. Semina k nda diberi duit raya meh. Kin kia meh kami 3 nitih k cda laban mpai nemu tunga menua. Entudi burit orang ja. Hehehehe..... Pengingat t tetap meruan ba ati datai k jemah ila.

my 2 bros..

i have 2 little brothers...
Mathias a.k.a. Ayau &
Nicholas a.k.a. Igat....
Ayau - 1/12/91..
Igat - 6/7/98
that's mean i'm the eldest....
sometimes, da 3 of us get along very well...
sometimes, we quarrel & fight!
i guess its normally happen to everyone of us...
Ayau rarely spend times at home; owes go out to play with other frenz..
Igat spends most of the times at home; sometimes go fishing..
he loves to play computer games..
they r quite annoying sometime...
i damn miz both of u...
both of u r my good frenz at home..
hope that da 2 of u r doing well now..
may God bless both of u...

Monday, August 3


HaPpIneSS Is HapPinESS
HapPinEss MAkEs you wHispEr,
HAppinEss MAkes YoU Love,
HappInEss Takes comManD.
HappInEss MakeS You Calm,
HaPpInEss GiVEs You coMfORt,
HaPpInEss MAKes you haPpy,
HappInEss MAkES you murMur.
HApPiNess TuRnEd peOplE To Love You,
HappInEss IS loVe,
HapPiNess Is HonEstY,
HappIneSs FOrm PeAce.
HappIneSs IS What we’re waiTiNg,
HappInEss Is DeeP DoWn InSide,
HappInESs Is GOnNa save Us,
hapPineSs Might jUst heLp Me FiNd True Love.
ayam jantan + ayam betina = anak gajah
sapa nak disalahkan?
si ayah?
si ibu?
atau kedua - duanya???
fikirla sendiri.....

When I Say..............

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I'm not shouting, "I’ve been saved!"
I'm whispering, "I get lost!
That's why I chose this way".

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I don't speak with human pride
I'm confessing that I stumble -
Needing God to be my guide

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I'm not trying to be strong
I'm professing that I'm weak
And pray for strength to carry on.

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I'm not bragging of success
I'm admitting that I've failed
And cannot ever pay the debt.

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I don't think I know it all
I submit to my confusion
Asking humbly to be taught.

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I'm not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are all too visible
But God believes I'm worth it.

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartache,
Which is why I seek His name.

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I do not wish to judge
I have no authority...
I only know I'm loved

0n AngeL wiNGs

On angel wings you do fly
On angel wings into the sky
On angel wings i do cry
Because those angel wings took you away
On angel wings the heralds sing
Is there no such lovely thing?
On angel wings you fly away.
I will see these angel wings again someday
When i am old and my time has come
On angel wings I will fly
Until I'm holding you once again
Smiling on angel wings.

Time is Time

Time sits
Time stands
Time is time.

Time craws
Time walks
Time is time.

Time runs
Time flies
Time is time.

Time changes
Time stands-still
Time is time.

Time goes forward
Time goes backward
Time is time, it is time

Saturday, August 1

my Lord Jesus Christ,
U r my good shelter,
my strong protector,
my loyal adviser
my wise teacher,
my understanding fren,
& the lover of my soul.
U die on the cross 2 4give all my sins,
U sacrifice urself 2 save me,
U let people against U & Ur Father in heaven,
U 4give those who make U suffer,
U pray 4 those who don't believe in Ur words,
& U love us deeply, tenderly
eternity, last 4ever & ever,
good 2 hav a fren like u...
we share happiness & sorrow 2gether...
u r owes there 4 me..
u owes lend a helping hands when i'm in trouble...
ur words encourage & comfort me...
hope our frenship lasts 4ever...
i really appreciate u & i'm glad u r my dear fren....
thanks Liz.....
God blez....

u r my sunshine,
my only sunshine,
u make me hepy when skies r grey,
u never know dear,
how much i luv u..
plz don't take my sunshine away.............
01/08..... sem 03
dah sedia kini aku??
2 last semester tuk pra pismp....
bio, chem, phy.....
ari makin jampat bejalai...
laju mansa, nyau nda ulih gagai...
pendiau gik baka suba..
nadai kala berubah... t maya exam, slumber ja....
result pun slumber dah nya...
cukup2 makai ja...
baka orang k sakit raya, jengap2 nganti seput k padam..
bakanya meh ku 2...
kadang2 ku bepikir ga....
nama kebuah ku ulih masuk kitu????result pun nda manah.
maya result pansut, cg ngemudi blama meh aku.. nyium asap orang...
orang dah jauh ninggal, tudah diri gik kusil2, rungkup2 baka tekura nitih k orang..
orang dah datai ba bulan, tudah gik ba baruh bandir tapang..
nda nemu kemaya k sama sertai ngau orang!
ke nikal pulai, repa mai ga jalai, rawan mai ga andau...
pajak k ja meh.. t dah skali mansang, x jaku nikal k blakang...
nda patut ka ngemalu k niang aki kitai Rentap waii...........
t orang ulih, x patut kitai x ulih..
mata, pending, jari & kaki sama ga 2 igi, untak pen sama 1..
semua 2 bepanggai ba diri mpu...kitai k ngatur pengidup diri.
x sampai nesal dudi ari..
nesal dudi x reti...
nyamai nesal dulu..

Tik tok..